This module provides some basic helper/formatting utilities,
specifically targeted at decoding ReadHistoryData data.
import io
from binascii import hexlify
import lib
from records import *
_remote_ids = [
bytearray([ 0x01, 0xe2, 0x40 ]),
bytearray([ 0x03, 0x42, 0x2a ]),
bytearray([ 0x0c, 0x89, 0x92 ]),
[docs]def decode_remote_id(msg):
practice decoding some remote ids:
| 0x27
| 0x01 0xe2 0x40
| 0x03 0x42 0x2a
| 0x28 0x0c 0x89
| 0x92 0x00 0x00 0x00
>>> decode_remote_id(_remote_ids[0])
>>> decode_remote_id(_remote_ids[1])
>>> decode_remote_id(_remote_ids[2])
high = msg[ 0 ] * 256 * 256
middle = msg[ 1 ] * 256
low = msg[ 2 ]
return str(high + middle + low)
[docs]class NoDelivery(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x06
head_length = 4
#class ResultTotals(KnownRecord):
[docs]class MResultTotals(InvalidRecord):
"""On 722 this seems like two records."""
opcode = 0x07
#head_length = 5
head_length = 5
date_length = 2
#body_length = 37 + 4
#body_length = 2
def __init__(self, head, larger=False):
super(type(self), self).__init__(head, larger)
if larger:
self.body_length = 3
[docs] def parse_time(self):
mid = unmask_m_midnight(self.date)
self.datetime = date = datetime(*mid)
return date
except ValueError, e:
print "ERROR", e, mid, lib.hexdump(self.date)
return mid
[docs] def date_str(self):
result = 'unknown'
if self.datetime is not None:
result = self.datetime.isoformat( )
if len(self.date) >=2:
result = "{}".format(unmask_m_midnight(self.date))
return result
[docs]class ChangeBasalProfile_old_profile (KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x08
# old/bad
# body_length = 46
# XXX: on LeDanaScott's, 522, this seems right
body_length = 145
def __init__(self, head, larger=False):
super(type(self), self).__init__(head, larger)
if larger:
self.body_length = 145
[docs] def decode (self):
self.parse_time( )
rates = [ ]
i = 0
for x in range(47):
start = x * 3
end = start + 3
(offset, rate, q) = self.body[start:end]
if [offset, rate, q] == [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]:
rates.append(describe_rate(offset, rate, q))
except TypeError, e:
remainder = [ offset, rate, q ]
return rates
[docs]def describe_rate (offset, rate, q):
return (dict(offset=(30*1000*60)*offset, rate=rate*0.025))
[docs]class ChangeBasalProfile_new_profile (KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x09
body_length = 145
[docs] def decode (self):
self.parse_time( )
rates = [ ]
i = 0
for x in range(47):
start = x * 3
end = start + 3
(offset, rate, q) = self.body[start:end]
if [offset, rate, q] == [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]:
rates.append(describe_rate(offset, rate, q))
return rates
[docs]class ClearAlarm(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x0C
[docs]class SelectBasalProfile(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x14
[docs]class ChangeTime(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x17
[docs]class NewTimeSet(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x18
[docs]class LowBattery(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x19
[docs]class Battery(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x1a
[docs]class PumpSuspend(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x1e
[docs]class PumpResume(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x1f
[docs]class Rewind(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x21
[docs]class EnableDisableRemote(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x26
body_length = 14
[docs]class ChangeRemoteID(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x27
[docs]class TempBasalDuration(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x16
_test_1 = bytearray([ ])
[docs] def decode(self):
self.parse_time( )
basal = { 'duration (min)': self.head[1] * 30, }
return basal
[docs]class TempBasal(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x33
body_length = 1
_test_1 = bytearray([ ])
[docs] def decode(self):
self.parse_time( )
basal = { 'rate': self.head[1] / 40.0, }
return basal
[docs]class LowReservoir(KnownRecord):
>>> rec = LowReservoir( LowReservoir._test_1[:2] )
>>> decoded = rec.parse(LowReservoir._test_1)
>>> print str(rec)
LowReservoir 2012-12-07T11:02:43 head[2], body[0] op[0x34]
>>> print pformat(decoded)
{'amount': 20.0}
opcode = 0x34
_test_1 = bytearray([ 0x34, 0xc8,
0xeb, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x07, 0x0c, ])
[docs] def decode(self):
self.parse_time( )
reservoir = {'amount' : int(self.head[1]) / 10.0 }
return reservoir
[docs]class ChangeUtility(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x63
[docs]class ChangeTimeDisplay(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x64
_confirmed = [ Bolus, Prime, NoDelivery, MResultTotals,
ClearAlarm, SelectBasalProfile, TempBasalDuration, ChangeTime,
NewTimeSet, LowBattery, Battery, PumpSuspend,
PumpResume, CalBGForPH, Rewind, EnableDisableRemote,
ChangeRemoteID, TempBasal, LowReservoir, BolusWizard,
UnabsorbedInsulinBolus, ChangeUtility, ChangeTimeDisplay ]
# _confirmed.append(DanaScott0x09)
[docs]class Ian69(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x69
body_length = 2
[docs]class Ian50(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x50
body_length = 34
[docs]class Ian54(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x54
body_length = 34 + 23
body_length = 57
[docs]class Ian0B(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x0B
head_length = 3
[docs]class Ian3F(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x3F
body_length = 3
[docs]class IanA8(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0xA8
head_length = 10
[docs]class BasalProfileStart(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x7b
body_length = 3
[docs] def decode (self):
self.parse_time( )
if (len(self.body) % 3 == 0):
return describe_rate(*self.body)
return dict(raw=hexlify(self.body))
# 123, 143
[docs]class OldBolusWizardChange (KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x5a
body_length = 117
[docs]class BigBolusWizardChange (KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x5a
body_length = 143
[docs]class old6c(InvalidRecord):
opcode = 0x6c
#head_length = 45
body_length = 38
# body_length = 34
[docs]class Model522ResultTotals(KnownRecord):
opcode = 0x6d
head_length = 1
date_length = 2
body_length = 40
[docs] def parse_time(self):
mid = unmask_m_midnight(self.date)
self.datetime = date = datetime(*mid)
return date
except ValueError, e:
print "ERROR", e, lib.hexdump(self.date)
return mid
[docs] def date_str(self):
result = 'unknown'
if self.datetime is not None:
result = self.datetime.isoformat( )
if len(self.date) >=2:
result = "{}".format(unmask_m_midnight(self.date))
return result
[docs]def unmask_m_midnight(data):
Extract date values from a series of bytes.
Always returns tuple given a bytearray of at least 3 bytes.
Returns 6-tuple of scalar values year, month, day, hours, minutes,
data = data[:]
seconds = 0
minutes = 0
hours = 0
day = parse_day(data[0])
high = data[0] >> 4
low = data[0] & 0x1F
year_high = data[1] >> 4
# month = int(high) #+ year_high
# month = parse_months( data[0], data[1] )
mhigh = (data[0] & 0xE0) >> 4
mlow = (data[1] & 0x80) >> 7
month = int(mhigh + mlow)
day = int(low) + 1
year = parse_years(data[1])
return (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
[docs]class Sara6E(Model522ResultTotals):
"""Seems specific to 722?"""
opcode = 0x6e
#head_length = 52 - 5
# body_length = 1
body_length = 48
#body_length = 0
def __init__(self, head, larger=False):
super(type(self), self).__init__(head, larger)
if larger:
self.body_length = 48
_known = { }
_variant = { }
for x in _confirmed:
_known[x.opcode] = x
del x
[docs]def suggest(head, larger=False):
Look in the known table of commands to find a suitable record type
for this opcode.
klass = _known.get(head[0], Base)
record = klass(head, larger)
return record
[docs]def parse_record(fd, head=bytearray( ), larger=False):
Given a file-like object, and the head of a record, parse the rest
of the record.
Look up the type of record, read in just enough data to parse it,
return the result.
# head = bytearray(fd.read(2))
date = bytearray( )
body = bytearray( )
record = suggest(head, larger)
remaining = record.head_length - len(head)
if remaining > 0:
if record.date_length > 0:
if record.body_length > 0:
record.parse( head + date + body )
# print str(record)
# print record.pformat(prefix=str(record) )
return record
[docs]def describe( ):
keys = _known.keys( )
out = [ ]
for k in keys:
out.append(_known[k].describe( ))
return out
[docs]class PagedData (object):
PagedData - context for parsing a page of cgm data.
def __init__ (self, raw):
data, crc = raw[0:1022], raw[1022:]
computed = lib.CRC16CCITT.compute(bytearray(data))
if lib.BangInt(crc) != computed:
assert lib.BangInt(crc) == computed, "CRC does not match page data"
self.raw = raw
[docs] def clean (self, data):
data.reverse( )
self.data = self.eat_nulls(data)
self.stream = io.BufferedReader(io.BytesIO(self.data))
[docs] def eat_nulls (self, data):
i = 0
while data[i] == 0x00:
i = i+1
return data[i:]
[docs]class HistoryPage (PagedData):
[docs] def clean (self, data):
data.reverse( )
self.data = self.eat_nulls(data)
self.data.reverse( )
# XXX: under some circumstances, zero is the correct value and
# eat_nulls actually eats valid data. This ugly hack restores two
# nulls back ot the end.
self.stream = io.BufferedReader(io.BytesIO(self.data))
[docs] def decode (self, larger=False):
records = [ ]
skipped = [ ]
for B in iter(lambda: bytearray(self.stream.read(2)), bytearray("")):
if B == bytearray( [ 0x00, 0x00 ] ):
record = parse_record(self.stream, B, larger=larger )
if record.datetime:
rec = dict(timestamp=record.datetime.isoformat( ),
data = record.decode( )
if data is not None:
if skipped:
skipped = [ ]
rec = dict(_type=str(record.__class__.__name__),
data = record.decode( )
if data is not None:
return records
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
doctest.testmod( )